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Silkmore Academy - REACH 2 - Onboarding

Lee Jepson • 11 July 2020

Silkmore Academy - Onboarding

This weekend we have been working with Silkmore Academy to onboard into the REACH 2 central network. This is one of many schools we have been migrating each weekend onto the trusts new systems. These systems help with the overall management of ICT Hardware, reduce operating costs and improve the provision for online teaching and learning. All of this is done using Office 365 and Windows 10. The full suite of Office 365 is used to give flexibility of teaching on-site and offer accessible ways of teaching and learning remotely. Our partnership with REACH 2 has been very successful to support their IT Team on this digital transformation journey, we are delighted to be working together.
Over the weekend we complete a full network strip out and re-installation of Switches, Wireless, Firewall and where necessary replace cabling. The Client device team will rebuild the machines on site, including Office PCs, Staff Laptops, Student Laptops and Teacher PCs. The Service and Infrastructure team remove the old legacy servers and replace it with a new low-level server, whilst joining the site into the Azure hosted infrastructure. We also use this opportunity to check cabling, re-dress comms cabinets to ensure the cabling is tidy. To ensure disaster recovery is covered, we setup new backup systems and replace any UPS systems which are end of life
Within the solution, all devices are setup on a Device Management system for remote patching, support tools and compliance. A cloud managed Anti-Virus solution is deployed to all devices to ensure central management is in place and definition updates. Senso is also deployed as a part of the central safeguarding tools, these are put in place to ensure students are kept safe whilst using the devices. Each site is added to a remote management and monitoring system, this is so proactive management and reporting is available 24/7. 
As with all refurbishment and on-boarding jobs, we also take the opportunity to update other systems such as Printing, Door Access Control and Digital Signage. All this work is carried out over a single weekend to ensure no disruption to teaching and learning across the trust schools. Support is then on hand from the Monday after to support staff logging into their laptops and using Windows 10/Office 365. 

Interested in seeing how we can support your digital transformation? Please get in touch with the team. We would be delighted to support your journey. 

by Sophie Jepson (Senior IT Technician) 17 April 2020
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by Dan Houghton (Senior IT Technician) 17 April 2020
Hello Everyone, I hope you are keeping well! It's 2020 - everyone around the world has had a huge change in daily life, caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19). Social distancing has been implemented to prevent the spread of the virus, this has resulted in remotely working from home being more common than it ever has been before. As a Senior IT Technician at L.E.A.D. IT services, part of my job involves support visits to schools and businesses on a daily basis. This has a huge social aspect to it, which is one of the things I love the most about my job. I love catching up with my schools, making sure staff and students are okay and generally keeping in touch every week. Due to the social distancing measures put in place by the Government my working day has inevitably altered. Quite rightfully to protect my schools, my colleagues and the NHS. As you will be able to appreciate from your own experiences, I've had to adapt to home working and loosing a big part of the social element in my job. Here are my five top tips to working remotely at home:
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